We are now into week 3 of the SleekGeek – “ComeBack Kid Challenge”.

And week 2 has been a powerful week of activity!

I am excited to share my experience of how having a context for transforming my body can be powerful.

I was reminded last week of what one of my mentors, Swami Parthasarathy would say.                                               “You are a product of your past. And you now are the producer of your future!”

In the context of the Body Transformation Challenge I see this profound wisdom show up in my own life. Up until the start of the challenge my state of Body and mindset regarding my body = X

X being, I had paid little attention to my eating and only moderately working out at the gym. The context was no attention, no goal with regards to my body.


After 2 weeks, what a difference! There is a vision, a strategy, a goal and a plan.

jump man

  1. My sense of taste and smell seem more acute
  2. I have more energy throughout the day
  3. My state of being is one of excitement
  4. I get to do more in a day

What a difference this new lifestyle (CONTEXT) has made to my life.

What is profound is that my environment seems to be cleaning up and changing positively as well!

I have given away old clothes and shoes. Thrown out boxes of papers, magazines and stuff I no longer need. And it looks as though a neighbor that I did not have much affinity for is going to move out! 😉

                   Plan the work. Then work the plan. With Commitment! Then Providence Moves Too!

Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation) there is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one’s favor all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance, which no man could have dreamed would have come his way. I have learned a deep respect for one of Goethe’s couplets: “Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.”

Quoted from the book “The Scottish Himalayan Expedition, 1951”, by William H. Murray ( 1913-1996 )

When you’re committed to something, you accept no excuses, only results.”

Week 1 has ended and we are into week 2 of the SleekGeek – “ComeBack Kid Challenge”.

And the week went by so quickly!stop watch2

7 weeks of transformation to go!

Up to now I have learnt 3 valuable lessons.

Lesson 1 – To accept “What is so!” or reality as it is and to work with it.

Lesson 2 – Going beyond what I know how to solve a problem or using my modus operandi. “Pushing the outside of the envelope.”


Lesson 3 – Being my word. In the previous post I committed to –


I have chosen to focus on ” being Athlete.”

In this case it is more than being a spectator looking in and perceiving in a fantasy like way, or somehow having a conceptual understanding what an athlete could be “like”!It is modelling all the characteristics or ability of a champion athlete. In NLP (Neuro-linguistic programming) modelling in short is the process of recreating, replicating excellence.

Mahatma Gandhi said, “Your beliefs become your thoughts.

Your thoughts become your words.

Your words become your actions.

Your actions become your habits.

Your habits become your values.

Your values become your destiny.”

I am using this Body transformation challenge as a foundation to open up new awareness.

And Letting that new awareness transform into creative action!

Examples of new practices I have taken on

What I do each morning is to visualize what my body will look like at the end of week 8. Having the outcome in mind.

Another is consciously choosing foods that will assist with fuelling my body to function and to workout. Plus those foods that will work towards fat loss. To eat slowly and enjoy the eating!

“There’s a difference between interest and commitment. When you’re interested in doing something, you do it only when circumstance permit. When you’re committed to something, you accept no excuses, only results.”  –  Art Turock


“Knowledge is power!” when it is activated. And it is most powerful when it is socially activated for the good of all!

It is now day 4 of the SleekGeek – “Comeback Kid Challenge” and I have been pondering on how I am going to “Nail this” challenge. Backing out is not an option. Just going through the mill of it would be a copout and a waste of time.

So I am in it 100%.

I did some research. First on myself. What did I discover? “Bam!”  2nd Lesson – If I am going to have a breakthrough in this challenge, it means going beyond what I know and not using my current “modus operandi”.  It means going beyond the constraints of my current thinking system.

They say “knowledge is power!” To me, knowing makes no difference unless I am willing to put the concepts, ideas and theory into practise to achieve an outcome!

Better still, it is having the up to date know -how  and discovering new facts and methods which creates new awareness which leads to action.

Discovery, Innovation, Creativity and Inspiration will be key ingredients to support me with my activities. All great athletes, leaders or artists surround themselves with mentors, coaches and encouragers. So my mindset in the context of body transformation is –


What does that look like?  I take on the characteristics and mindset of a champion athlete and a successful leader.          ( I will discuss more on what I mean by “Being” in a later post.)

WHAT IS SO! Current Reality….

Today I enrolled a mentor for my workout program for the next 7 weeks. The How?, When? And the What? of my training is now covered. I will just DO IT!

My eating plan is in place and I am continuing to research and refine my diet to support my training and body transformation. I am learning how and what foods impact the body. The cutting of dairy, wheat and sugar out of my diet has not been that devastating and the world has not ended!!  (www.eatclean.co.za  has opened up new awareness for me)

Me 2009

In action at the gym

And I have on-line support from the SleekGeek Facebook group which support my theory that:

Knowledge is most powerful when it is socially activated for good and the good of all!

Andiamo …Vamos… Let’s Go!  ; )    


To recap – I have entered a national body transformation challenge – SleekGeek  ComeBack Kid Challenge. (www.sleekgeek.co.za)  I have 8 weeks in which to transform my body.

Today the start date, the before photos and body measurements all had to be sent to the judges of the competition.

As management consultant Peter Drucker once said: “If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it. And you will not improve that which you do not measure.”

I am at the start of something and getting the reality of “what is so!”

That being – The current state of my body!

The last 24 hours have been exposing and confronting for me. To undress and have my body photographed from 3 different angles was bad enough. It was today’s weight in and the body measurements that was the knock out!  ”How could the measurements be so…” were my thoughts.

Patrick fro Zone Fitness doing my measurements

Patrick – Zone Fitness doing my measurements

Lesson 1 – I now accept reality and “What is So!” is what I now will work with. 

Big thanks to Amy & Patrick for your willingness to take photos and measurements.

Lets enjoy the ride


For the next 8 weeks I will be competing in a body transformation challenge – The SleekGeek Comeback Kid Challenge.

What made me choose to do this you may ask? Well for two reasons.

For one I am researching how a powerful “Context” can be used to transform my life and those of my clients.

Secondly to go for the challenge or the goal whole heartedly and achieve an outcome.

I will be sharing my experience with you. Giving you details of all the ups and downs.

I will be giving you more insight on the concept of “CONTEXT” in the coming weeks.

Lets enjoy the ride 🙂




